Prescription Drug Detox
When you or someone close to you is suffering from a certain medical condition, it’s natural to seek assistance from a medical professional. This might be in the form of pain-relieving medication which can help improve the symptoms of the illness and allow you to continue with your daily routine. The moment you take that first pill though, this could lead to addiction.
Sometimes,patients can become addicted even after taking painkillers for only one time.
If that’s not enough already – it only takes one experience with substance abuse for an addict to fall right in! But there are several actions you may take today if you think you’ve taken drugs more than usual or if they make life more challenging. You need not suffer alone any longer!
Withdrawal from prescription drugs can be very difficult and in some cases life-threatening. Symptoms of withdrawal, in some instances, may be quite uncomfortable and potentially lethal. A strong partner who will support you through all of this is absolutely necessary. That is exactly what Aloha Detox is; a supportive, experienced partner to lead your way when it comes down to getting your life back on track after having been dependent on addictive pharmaceuticals that control you into a state of addiction.
Our medical staff is uniquely positioned to aid with prescription drug detox, withdrawal symptoms, and recovery from addiction to drugs prescribed by doctors for pain management issues or mental health concerns like depression or anxiety. We are on hand to help provide motivational tools, and create an environment of physical comfort, nutritional sustenance, and more while you move forward on the path toward sobriety.
When we talk about prescription drugs the first thing pops into our head is medication to support recovery from illness for most people it’s correct but the reality is upside down.
In the United States, fentanyl and its parallels have contributed to more
In 2018, 67,367 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States. The age-adjusted rate of overdose deaths decreased by 4.6% from 2017 (21.7 per 100,000) to 2018 (20.7 per 100,000). Opioids—mainly synthetic opioids are currently the main cause of drug overdose deaths.
Addiction to Prescription Drugs is a pattern of physical and emotional responses that stem from your physical dependence on opioids. As you attempt to evade withdrawal symptoms, your behaviors change unpredictably. This can have a devastating impact on the quality of your life and impact your career, friendships, and family relationships.
The non-medical use of Prescription Drugs and the use of heroin in North America have escalated into a crisis of overdose deaths. The opioid market has become more varied, especially in the United States, where it is comprised of a combination of internationally regulated substances (e.g. heroin) and prescription medicines, diverted from the legal market or produced as counterfeit medicines. These counterfeited medicines contain fentanyl and fentanyl analogs, as well as non-opioid substances such as derivatives of benzodiazepine and methylphenidate. Most of the fentanyl recently seized in the United States has been of non-pharmaceutical origin. The pills and powders containing such substances sold on the illicit market pose a threat to public health because of the variable quantity and potency of the active components, which in severe cases, such as with carfentanil, may be thousands of times more potent than morphine. Such products can prove particularly dangerous when sold on the street together with heroin or as counterfeit prescription drugs, without the user’s knowledge.
- Restricted breathing
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Obscured vision
- Itching
- Euphoria
- Mellowness
- Drowsiness
- Constipation
- Vomiting
In a survey accomplished in 2015, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) observed that 18.9 million Americans aged 12 or older misused prescription drugs in the previous year. About 1% of Americans aged 12 and older had a prescription drug disorder.
Some of the most used prescription drugs are:
Oxycodone is generally sold under the brand name OxyContin.
Codeine is typically prescribed to deal with mild to moderate pain.
Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid. It’s prescribed for acute and chronic pain, typically in cancer treatment.
Meperidine is a Central nervous system (CNS) depressant also called tranquilizer and has a calming effect.
Alprazolam is a benzodiazepine. It’s prescribed to treat anxiety and panic conditions.
They’re managed to treat anxiety and panic disorders and seizures.
These are CNS stimulants; used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy.
Prescription Drug Detox can be dealt with in traditionally two ways one is medication second one personalized sessions with a focus on behavioral improvement.
The medication to treat Prescription Drug Detox requires highly skilled supervision as it usually comes with painful relapses if any misconduct occurred. As we know fentanyl has been used in pain management and it’s rooted very deeply. Only a few methods to treat the addiction related to fentanyl showed promising results from a modern-day perspective cause it usually tends to be a cognitive and behavioral issue.
Aloha Detox offers a Detox-program and a vast variety of cutting-edge pharmacological and behavioral practices run by experts who understand the complications and the value of your efforts to get back to life as a whole.
Direct Call: Speak to our compassionate admissions specialists at Call us now – 888-892-5642
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