Massage Therapy at Aloha Detox: A Healing Touch in Addiction Recovery
A therapeutic practice that promotes both mental and physical well-being, massage therapy is more than just a pleasant method to unwind and relax. Massage releases tension lessens stress, and advances general health by means of soft tissue manipulation.
Understanding its great influence on healing the body and mind, we at Aloha Detox include massage therapy as a main component of our addiction treatment programs.
At Aloha Detox, we think of rehabilitation as all-encompassing. We thus concentrate on restoring balance rather than only on ending the cycle of addiction. Our massage technique is designed to assist people in several phases of healing.
We create an environment where healing thrives by combining knowledgeable skills with compassionate care. Irrespective of whether you are participating in our residential or outpatient program, massage therapy is tailored to match your specific requirements.
Massage therapy has been found to increase dopamine and serotonin levels, the feel-good molecules that can decline throughout addiction treatment. This natural increase helps stabilize mood and lessens appetite.
Massage also reduces cortisol, the stress hormone, helps to control anxiety and encourages peaceful sleep. Massage therapy can also improve relaxation, lower blood pressure, and slow down heart rate by activating the vagus nerve.
Addiction alters the reward system in the brain, which typically leaves people detached from their bodies. Massage therapy fills up that void. It supports neuroplasticity, therefore enabling the brain to create fresh, better connections.
It's especially beneficial during withdrawal when emotional and bodily suffering is at its height. After sessions, our clients say they feel more grounded, calm, and connected—qualities that help with long-term rehabilitation.
Aloha Detox distinguishes itself with its person-centered, whole approach. Working closely with experts in addiction and recovery helps us to make sure our massage therapy enhances your treatment schedule.
Trained to meet the particular difficulties experienced by those in recovery, our therapists create a secure and supportive environment for healing.
All set to enjoy the transforming power of massage treatment on your path of recovery?
Get in touch with Aloha Detox right now to schedule a consultation or learn more. Using therapeutic touch, let us assist you in discovering balance, peace, and long-lasting recovery.
Direct Call: Speak to our compassionate admissions specialists at Call us now – 888-892-5642
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