Hidden Wounds and Scars Hurts Understand Emotional Abuse

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Hidden Wounds and Scars Hurts Understand Emotional Abuse

The word “trauma” describes the severe injury to the physical body that is caused due to a sudden accident or violent act. Emotional trauma can be equally distressing and can wrench your senses as a whole. Just like your physical wounds, emotional injuries require attention and healing with time. Emotional abuse can be subtle and nuanced; it seems almost normal every time. For adults who have experienced childhood emotional abuse or trauma, it would be more difficult to pinpoint than sexual or physical abuse, as it would be damaging from the inside. Knowing the manifestations of childhood abuse helps to clarify the persistent mental health issues and trauma faced and further determine the necessary next steps for recovering it.

What is Childhood Emotional Abuse?

Children are like raw clay in a potter’s hand. We, as adults, are potters that tend to shape them in different forms. Childhood emotional abuse can come in multiple forms; some may have experienced abuse from a family with others in positions of authority or care.

Emotional abuse is behavior that isn’t physical; it might involve verbal humiliation and manipulation that often threatens another person’s feelings of self-worth and independence. Emotional abuse causes one to feel completely lonely. It can provoke suicidal thoughts or behaviors, depression, anxiety, and even post-traumatic stress disorder. The trauma of childhood abuse is linked with myriad mental health disorders, including addiction.

Individual Psychotherapy Florida recognizes and assesses the underlying causes that lead to addiction due to emotional abuse or mental abuse.

People who struggle with the long-term impacts of childhood emotional abuse might experience feelings or issues like:

  • Social anxiety
  • Depression
  • Codependency
  • Difficulty trusting others and forming relationships
  • Fawning
  • Speech issues
  • Low Self-esteem
  • Headaches and stomach aches with no clear cause
  • Desperately seeks affection from others
  • Desire to hurt themselves or other people

Professional treatment of Individual Psychotherapy for long-term childhood emotional abuse can understand the underlying cause of issues and confront them in a supportive environment. The treatment requires therapies, and counseling that understand the problematic behaviors, stress, depression, or anxiety associated.

Short bouts of loneliness might get resolved once you spend quality time with people you love and care about. However, elongated loneliness can significantly promote addiction to a person’s mental and physical health. If you are struggling with loneliness, voidness, or feeling disconnected, or have been drained in addiction due to any trauma or emotional abuse, get the support of Individual counseling near-me sessions designed to each individual’s needs.

At Aloha Detox, we have a specially designed residential treatment facility and nurturing environment for personal growth and healing for people who want to limit their addiction or mental health issues. At Aloha, we have tailor-made, holistic treatment methods and modern techniques with proven results. we can create a personalized treatment plan to overcome your hidden scars and rebuild a happier, healthier life.  Call us now – 888-892-5642 or for more information enquire us at info@alohadetox.com