Hydrocodone Detox

Misuse or abuse of hydrocodone can lead to physical dependence and addiction. If a person is using this medication without the help of their doctor they are most likely misusing, abusing, over-medicating or are perhaps thinking about giving up altogether which will result in physical dependence and addiction. Physical dependency means that if a person fails to take their medication exactly as prescribed they may experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

Aloha Detox is a well established drug treatment facility specializing in helping people break free from their dependence on Hydrocodone. The medically supervised detox procedure will ensure that clients have a good chance at achieving sobriety and lead much healthier lives going forward.

When you come to Aloha Detox, we know that it’s not going to be easy for you. This is why we’re preparing a team of medical and therapeutic professionals who will support and care for you every step of the way. We’re with you and are prepared to help provide you with a firm foundation for your addiction recovery so that not only are you able to safely go through hydrocodone abuse withdrawal but are also strengthened by seeing these solutions through all the way up until they have helped prepare yourself for the long-term sobriety that you’ve been dreaming of.

Direct Call: Speak to our compassionate admissions specialists at Call us now – 888-892-5642

Online Inquiry: Complete our online form or reach out via email at info@alohadetox.com